Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Norwegians by Dark & Stormy Productions

"The Norwegians" are back and just as darkly funny as ever. The Dark & Stormy Productions, playing at the old Grain Belt Warehouse, runs through Jan. 5, 2020. Get there. It's good fun, and dark fun. Fun, none the less.
Cherry and Spoon, who caught it the first time around in 2016, came back for more: "a cross between a Prairie Home Companion sketch and an episode of Fargo, with more edge than the former but without the latter's ominous cloud of despair."
Compendium - Minneapolis experienced Dark & Stormy for the first time, writes: This was my first time at a Dark and Stormy Productions show, and I'm sure it won't be my last. I loved the tongue-in-cheek nature and fearless parody of Minnesota culture, which is long overdue in my opinion.
Play off the Page also experienced Dark & Stormy for the first time: This show is filled with hilarious monologues about the cold, the food, and the nice, and not so nice, relationships they foster.
Trin from The Global Dig writes: Some of the most memorable things in this play are the subtle details including fake snow, or a character frantically scouring through their purse, or the cute moments when characters run their fingers though another’s hair, so caught up in the deep emotions associated with love and the conspiring qualities that come with it.