Wednesday, June 17, 2020

#TCTheater Gives Back

Two local theaters are collecting donations to help people in the neighborhoods affected by the recent fires and looting.
Click the link for the schedule of donations at Mixed Blood Theatre Company, along with weekly "video, image, and textual responses to this crime born from systemic racism and fear."

The image below details when and what you can drop off at Theater Latté Da (the Ritz Theater in Northeast Minneapolis).

You can also check this map for donation drop-off locations near you:

Monday, June 15, 2020

A BREATH FOR GEORGE Outdoor Screenings

Twice nightly this week, New Dawn Theatre Company is presenting an outdoor screening of a film piece they put together to honor the life of George Floyd. A BREATH FOR GEORGE includes "songs, interviews, and poems" from local artists and community leaders. It will be showing outside various theaters around town. Click the link for details.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Theater Crush Thursday: Black-Led Arts Organizations

For this week's #TheaterCrushThursday, we are focusing not on a specific company but uplifiting the collective black #tctheater community. Thanks to MPR News for rounding up this list of black-owned arts organizations, all of whom needed our help anyway, but especially need our support (and our dollars) now.
It can be easy to forget just how lucky we are here in the Twin Cities to have so many independent black-run companies. That is *not* a common thing in other major U.S. cities, and that's a diversity we treasure and want to preserve.
I can confidently say that many of these organizations count among the favorite local arts organizations for our bloggers, and we want to see them stick around for many more years to come. Please click through to find some you love (and some new to you!) to donate some money today as part of your anti-racism work. And if you have stories to share about your favorite black-run companies, we'd love to hear them in the comments below!