Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Band's Visit, on tour at Hennepin Theatre Trust in Minneapolis

The Band's Visit, on tour at Hennepin Theatre Trust, rolled into town on a cold Tuesday night (12/10) and will close on Sunday (12/15), then move on to other cities. The Twin Cities Theater Bloggers enjoyed their stop.
PhenoMNal Twin Cities writes: we see how the group of Egyptian musicians quietly touch the lives of the townsfolk in small, but meaningful ways.
Compendium - Minneapolis writes: maybe The Band's Visit is exactly what such a world needs.
Cherry and Spoon writes: It's such a simple and beautiful story, and one that this divided world needs to hear now more than ever.
Twin Cities Stages writes: The Band’s Visit is an exquisitely beautiful, quiet musical.
The Stages of MN writes: It’s a story about finding connections and understanding despite our differences.

Photo by Matthew Murphy