Saturday, June 30, 2018

Twin Cities Theater Bloggers #ReviewRoundup: Theater Latté Da's "Underneath the Lintel" starring Sally Wingert

It's closing weekend for Theater Latté Da's Underneath the Lintel which plays at the Ritz Theater in Northeast Minneapolis through July 7, 2018. If you saw this one-woman show starring Sally Wingert, post your thoughts on the performance in the comments!

Here is a Review Roundup from the Twin Cities Theater Bloggers:
"The moment #TCTheater favorite Sally Wingert enters the room...she has the audience in the palm of her hand."
Full review: Cherry and Spoon

"I've never seen a show like it and it will definitely keep your wheels turning while you watch."
Full review: Compendium - Minneapolis

More information and tickets:

Friday, June 15, 2018

TCTB Review Roundup: Caucasian-Aggressive Pandas and Other Mulatto Tales

Want to see more live Twin Cities performances that tackle relevant issues AND can make you laugh? Our bloggers suggest you take in a show of "Caucasian-Aggressive Pandas and Other Mulatto Tales" by Duck Washington at Bloomington Center for the Arts, which runs through 6/24.
Here are thoughts from four of our Twin Cities Theater Bloggers:
"First produced in 2015 for the Minneapolis Fringe Festival, the show has been updated to reflect the changes in the seismic shift in the political climate since the 2016 presidential election. The show is funny and poignant, aiming to open a dialogue with people of all backgrounds in a safe and welcoming environment."
PhenoMNal Twin Cities
"A very funny, insightful, and necessary show about race relations in America."
Cherry and Spoon
"A thoughtful, relevant, challenging show that tackles racism and identity...Go see Caucasian-Aggressive Pandas--a show that will make you laugh and think."
Minnesota Theater Love
"Pandas covers some serious ground when it comes to the topic of race, but the comedy balances it out and turns it into a truly all-around excellent show.”
One Girl, Two Cities

Monday, June 11, 2018

The BAND Group presents "TART" at Bryant-Lake Bowl

Is TART the inaugural production of The BAND Group on your radar, Twin Cities theater lover? We think it should be.

The BAND Group presents "TART" at Bryant-Lake Bowl & Theater through June 16, 2018. Jill from Cherry and Spoon says it's "a delightfully modern adaptation of Moliere's most famous comedy Tartuffe, set in a drag club...part classic theater, part drag show, part social commentary, and all around fun!"

Read Jill's full review:

Tickets & More information:

Saturday, June 9, 2018

TCTB Review Roundup: Chicago at the Orpheum Theatre

Which musical did Brett Talk call "an explosive night of sex, dance, and dynamic music" AND which musical did Cherry and Spoon say that she "loved every minute of?"

If you guessed CHICAGO at Hennepin Theatre Trust's Orpheum Theatre you are right! Have you seen it yet? It only runs through Sunday, so get in on some Tony award-winning musical action while you still can.


Read the full reviews from our Twin Cities Theater Bloggers:

Cherry and Spoon

Brett Talk


More info and tickets:

Friday, June 8, 2018

TCTB Review Roundup: Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feeling: Celebrating the Princess Musicals

It's the weekend! What theater experiences await you? 

Our bloggers recommend checking out the final weekend of Theatre Elision's Ain't It a Grand and Glorious Feeling: Celebrating the Princess Musicals. Bring your appetite, because tickets include either dinner, soup/sandwich and/or dessert depending on the performance day.

And it's a nontraditional theater venue: Mojo Coffee Gallery in NE Minneapolis.

Remaining performances:
7:30 Saturday, June 9, 2018 (Post-Show Talk-Back Session) 7:30 Sunday, June 10, 2018 (Industry Discounts)

Get tickets and learn more about the show:

"Unique, intimate, original, delicious musical theater." ~Cherry and Spoon
 Read Jill's full review:

"A really witty and contemporary performance that I found just delightful." ~Compendium
Read Becki's full review:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

TCTB Review Roundup: Uprising Theatre Company's "Apples in Winter"

Uprising Theatre Company's current show Apples in Winter by Jennifer Fawcett takes place in an industrial kitchen with an intimate audience. This site-specific play directed by Shalee Mae Coleman runs through June 9th and seats are limited. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the serious content of this one-woman show before attending; start by reading a few blogs from the Twin Cities Theater Bloggers:

"Just the logistics of making everything work along with the process of baking a pie from start to finish are daunting, but it's executed with precision by the Uprising team."
Cherry and Spoon

"An amazing performance,"
Life in Revue

Gina Sauer performs "effortlessly,"
Brett Talk

Ticket information:

Friday, June 1, 2018

TCTB Review Roundup: LADY DAY AT EMERSON'S BAR AND GRILL at Jungle Theater

photo by Dan Norman
Our bloggers rave about Thomasina Petrus' performance as Billie Holiday in The Jungle Theater's LADY DAY AT EMERSON'S BAR AND GRILL. Check out the reviews below, then get your tickets to see the show before it closes on June 24.
Cherry and Spoon
"Acclaimed director Marion McClinton directs Thomasina Petrus in this role that she's performed before, and was born to play. It's a perfect marriage of actor to role, with wonderful music and impeccable design that really makes you feel like you're watching the tragic end to this brilliant musician."
Brett Talk
"She was utter perfection. Petrus voice is so brilliantly formed to sound just like Holiday while still managing to give her own twist as an actress."
Compendium - Minneapolis
"Petrus infuses honesty into every second of her performance, never cheapening or sensationalizing the real events of Lady Day's life, and it makes us feel like valuable friends, not cheap gossipers, to participate in her true confessions."
Twin Cities Stages
"This decline was evident within the show, and was heartbreaking to watch. To hear the beautiful music that Billie Holiday and her band was able to make, and how the ugliness in this world was able to eat away at it."