Tuesday, April 30, 2019

TCTB Review Roundup: CRY IT OUT at Yellow Tree Theatre

A long time fan of Yellow Tree Theatre and a new visitor to the theater saw their production of CRY IT OUT, and both loved it! Playing through May 19 at their charming Osseo theater, tickets selling fast!
Cherry and Spoon:
"What I love about this play is that there's no resolution. It's just a slice of life during a very specific time in these women's lives as they're adjusting to this new life they're charged with. The play nicely illustrates how class and income can affect and limit our choices, and how not all women, not all mothers, want the same thing for themselves and their children. And that's OK."
Play off the Pagehttp://bit.ly/2GQj7JG
"This is a beautifully written play with heart and humor. The actors are brilliant, and the set feels like our own backyards. Angela Timberman has brought out all the emotions wrapped up in a baby bunting that we bring home without instructions and holds all our hopes and dreams."
Photo by Justin Cox.