Monday, September 30, 2019

TCTB Review Roundup: RIDE THE CYCLONE at Jungle Theater

Ride the Cyclone at The Jungle Theater is one of the spookiest things to hit #tctheater this season, and our bloggers universally loved it. Check out their reviews to see why you need to check this perfect Halloween season show out before it closes on October 20.
Play off the Page says "When your 25-year-old son who is preoccupied with starting a new adventure in a far away state walks out of the theater with you and says, “That was worth hanging around for,” you know it’s a good show, well worth your time, and a great way to spend the last few hours with him. Well done, Sarah, and the creative team at The Jungle. You have your finger firmly on the pulse of modern theater and what draws people in." More here:
Compendium - Minneapolis says "Holy s*** Becca Hart. Pardon the profanity, but I'm just not sure how else to describe one of #tctheater's buzziest ingenues without it. Her performance in the Jungle's season opener Ride the Cyclone - which is a wild ride overall and worth seeing - is a standout that I'm calling early on as one of the best of the year. It's an audacious claim, I know, but I think it's warranted." More here:
Cherry and Spoon says "Not only is it one of the most unique musicals I've ever seen, but this production by the Jungle simply couldn't be better. In addition to this stupidly talented cast that plays their roles to perfection, every element of design is spot on and combines to create this warped carnival after-life world. If you're a fan of new and original music-theater, Ride the Cyclone is a must-see." More here:
Twin Cities Stages says "The Jungle is consistent at putting on strong ensemble lead shows and Ride the Cyclone no exception. [...] Ride the Cyclone is a feast for all senses, and is a great show for anyone who is a fan of Tim Burton." More here: