The Awakening, an adaptation of Kate Chopin's novel is currently playing at The Southern Theater until March 18th and is part of ARTShare. All the bloggers who saw this show agreed that it left them thinking, and that it was a great story for Women's History Month. Check out the TCTB Review Roundup below:
Cherry and Spoon says, "The Awakening is a truly lovely and moving story of a woman's struggles to find her place in a world that doesn't accept her." Read the full review:
Single White Fringe Geek writes, "the look, the mood, and the atmosphere of The Awakening, as well as the central performances, make it well worth seeing." Read the full review:
The Room Where It Happens says, "In the middle of women’s history month and in discussions of current events, a play like this has never felt more important." Read the full review: