Monday, February 5, 2018

The Wiz - TCTB Review Roundup

The Twin Cities Theater Bloggers all agree, ease on down the road to see The Wiz at Children's Theatre Company, a coproduction with Penumbra Theatre Company
Read more about what all of our bloggers thought below: 

Play off the Page says, "From the stunning costumes to the tremendous talent and energy of the actors and musicians, this was easily one of the best performances I’ve ever seen."
Read the full review here:

Cherry and Spoon writes, "...the song and dance numbers are fab-u-lous. And this cast is so chock full of local African American music-theater legends, as well as up-and-comers and a few adorable tykes, that it blows the mind."
Read the full review here:

Compendium - Minneapolis says, "The best part of this Wiz, bar none, is the stellar cast."
Read the full review here:

Talkin Broadway writes, "The Wiz is a wonderful, and wonder-filled, experience for all ages. The music will send you, the story will swell your heart, and the show is, well, wicked good."
Read the full review:

Twin Cities Stages says, "The Wiz is one of the best tickets in town."
Read the full review: