Saturday, February 25, 2017

Nina Simone: Four Women - TCTB Review Roundup

Photo by Petronella
Nina Simone: Four Women, Christina Ham's hit show, is back at Park Square Theatre until March 5th. Park Square graciously hosted the Twin Cities Theater Bloggers a few weeks ago. The bloggers all had a great time, and that was clearly reflected in the reviews. 
Compendium - Minneapolis says, "There is so much to glean from the wisdom in this play, and I urge everyone and anyone who is able to go see it, not only for the beautiful music and performances, but the powerful words and the thought provoking dialogues." Read the full review:
Cherry and Spoon says, "Fans of meaningful, relevant, timely theater - rejoice! Last year's smash hit new play with music, Nina Simone: Four Women, is back at Park Square Theatre!" Read the full review:
Twin Cities Stages says, " The music will carry you and the stories will make you think." Read the full review:
Talkin Broadway says, "Brilliantly weaving Simone's songs and spirituals into the narrative, Ham allows us to understand how the variety, complexity and sheer unpredictability of the women's experiences shaped their very different perspectives. As the women sing and speak their lives, they find solidarity, not despite their differences, but, in a sense, because of them." Read the full review: