Looking for some Christmas funny? Our bloggers saw these shows and enjoyed a much needed laugh at this stressful and sometimes a little too sweet time of the year.
THE AVERAGERS: CHRISTMAS WAR by Comedy Suitcase at Bryant Lake Bowl & Theater through December 11:One Girl, Two Cities: http://bit.ly/1g2c_ave
Cherry and Spoon: http://bit.ly/cs_ave
Jill from Cherry and Spoon and Laura from One Girl, Two Cities with The Averagers |
A VERY DIE HARD CHRISTMAS at Bryant Lake Bowl & Theaterthrough December 17:
The Room Where It Happens: http://bit.ly/room_die
MISS RICHFIELD at Illusion Theater through December 17:
Minnesota Theater Love: http://bit.ly/love_rich
Minnesota Theater Love: http://bit.ly/love_rich
WHAT THE ELF by The Brave New Workshop Comedy Theatrethrough January 28:
PhenoMNal Twin Cities: http://bit.ly/phen_elf
Compendium: http://bit.ly/comp_elf
PhenoMNal Twin Cities: http://bit.ly/phen_elf
Compendium: http://bit.ly/comp_elf